In Japanese

Sherpa Lodge

This is Sherpa Lodge in Sherpa Farm in Nagano, Japan.
I constructed this lodge by myself.
I have not intended to make it a pay lodge from the beginning.
The primary purpose of the construction is to make it a workshop in our farm.
So facilities will be not like you expect and it accommodates up to three or four persons at most.
But views from here are splendid. The environment is calm and it is mostly sunny throughout a year in this area.

I offer free one night stay here for our customers of Sherpa Farm, our clients of Himalaya trekking in Nepal and young budget backpackers and bicyclists too.
The customers of Sherpa Farm will be able to find here how our organic vegetables are grown, the clients of Himalaya trekking can have information directly from us before engaging the guide services given by Himalayan Sherpa Adventure (P)LTD. and young budget backpackers and bicyclists who travel throughout Japan can rest one night here with no cost.

I provide free organic vegetables and firewood for you. You can cook on the stove.
The facilities are a toilet, a kotatsu room and a bedroom. There is no shower room, but 45 minutes' walk. brings you to a spa. The fee is 500 yen.
You should prepare your sleeping bag. There are no bedclothes.

There is a donation box in this lodge.
We are happy, if you put a tip into it. I will donate all of them to Mahendra Jyoti Secondary school in Chauri Kharka, Khumbu, Nepal.

You are requested to e-mail or call us before visiting here.

185, Yaehara, toumi-shi, Nagano-ken, Japan


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Sherpa Farm
Himalayan Sherpa Adventure